Terms of use

The website www.discoverslatina.hr (hereinafter: website) was initiated and edited by the Slatina Tourist Board, Ante Kovačića 1, 33520 Slatina (hereinafter: TZGS).

By first using the Site, we will consider that you have become fully familiar with these Terms, that they are clear to you and that you accept them. If you do not agree with them, please do not access the site and use its contents. If you have any questions or ambiguities related to the Terms of Use, please contact our editorial board at ured@tz-slatina.hr. We may change the appearance and content of the site and the Terms of Use for certain reasons, so please review them from time to time to familiarize yourself with possible changes. We will consider that your subsequent use of the site constitutes your acceptance of any changes.

The conditions in question relate to several segments:

1. Terms of use

2. Copyright

3. Guarantees and denial of rights

4. Changes and expiration of validity


Allowed use

Download and print notifications, materials, forms, etc. and viewing other materials and content at this address is possible only for personal purposes. It is forbidden to publicly display, transmit, publish, modify, reproduce, distribute, participate in the transfer or sale, make copies, upload and any other type of use of the complete content of this site or one part thereof, as well as the selection and harmonization of their content, without the express written permission of TZGS and /or other holders of rights to exploit copyright educators and authors. If such permission is granted, it is not allowed to delete or modify existing data relating to copyright and/or intellectual property.

Use for commercial purposes

It is forbidden to use this site for trade, sale and other commercial purposes. Any publication of advertisements or collection of offers for products and services is not allowed without the written permission of TZGS. It is forbidden to transmit and publish obscene, offensive, vulgar, threatening or obscene, or otherwise unacceptable or illegal content, as well as those that violate some of the rights of any party and in particular content containing viruses or other harmful material. Users assume responsibility for any damage resulting from their activities that are not in accordance with the above, as well as for other types of damage that may result from it. TZGS reserves the right (but not the obligation) to delete the materials and content that users publish on its site in whole or in part.


The content of this site is protected by copyright belonging to TZGSU, or is transferred to TZGSU, and is owned by third parties. TZGS also owns the copyright to edit, select and harmonize the content of this site. Furthermore, this location contains trademarks, names of individuals and other intellectual property content owned by TZGS or owned by third parties, and TZGS is the licensee. You must not believe that any content on this site is for use without restrictions. Permission to reproduce may be requested.

Pictures & Videos

All photographs, pictures, videos, biographical data of persons and other materials appearing on this website are the exclusive property of TZGS. Copyright on all materials contained on the website belongs to TZGS or third parties-partners tzgs. All rights reserved. Permission may be granted to entities to use such materials solely for promotional, editorial and informational purposes of publication in newspapers, magazines and electronic media. No other use of materials from TZGS websites is permitted. Also, the use of any material from this website in connection with the sale or offering for sale of products or services of any kind is not permitted. The defined permission and use of this website may not be transferred, subcontracted or granted and any intended and attempted transfer, subcontracting or granting will be considered null and void. By using the materials from the website, media users undertake to fully comply with the restrictions, conditions and requirements set forth herein.

Guarantees and denial of rights

TZGS will make a reasonable effort to publish accurate and current data on its websites, but does not assume responsibility for their accuracy and completeness, nor does it give the right to object in this regard. In addition to guarantees for products explicitly published by TZGS, TZGS emphasizes that all materials and content on the website should be taken "as is" and TZGS is not considered responsible for any consequences that may arise from a different interpretation of the materials and content on the website. TZGS does not guarantee that this site will always be available and available and will not contain errors or viruses. Each user expressly accepts the use of this site at his own risk. TZGS is not liable for damages or injury (including, but not limited to, special or consequential damages) that may result from the use or inability to use any part of this site, or the content posted or added to it by other users. Media entities and other users using this website expressly accept to indemnify TZGS for any and all claims, costs, damages or liabilities arising from the unconscionable use of materials from the website by the same user, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages. Furthermore, TZGS and suppliers assume no legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the data, devices, products or procedures presented herein and do not guarantee that the use of information, devices, products or procedures will not interfere with private rights.

Personal data protection policy on tzgs website.

We want to make it clear that when you visit this site, your personal information remains confidential, unless you want to voluntarily disclose it. We undertake that, except in the case of a request from an authorized state authority, we will not provide third parties with the information we have received. When you send us an e-mail with personal information by which you can be identified, either by e-mail with a question or comment or through the form you provide to us by e-mail, we use this information in order to fulfill your requests. We may send your email to other employees or suppliers who can better answer your questions. Minors can use the content on the TZGS website only with the permission of their parents/ guardians, or if they access them, they are considered to have such permission.

Denial of advertising rights

The mention of any specific product, process or service that has a market name, trademark, manufacturer or the like does not necessarily mean that TZGS or any of its employees and suppliers advertises, recommends or favors it. Denial of the right to external linksThe appearance of external hyperlinks does not mean that TZGS, suppliers or sponsors advertise such external sites or the information, products or services contained by them. TZGS nor any of its employees, patrons and suppliers have no control over the information contained in such external locations. External links on this site are in accordance with tzgs policy, which is not responsible for the content of any linked site received from its servers. Links may include text links, small images, icons or thumbnails that illustrate the link rather than advertising products or services.

Changes and termination of terms of use

TZGS reserves the right to change or terminate all or any part of this site and the terms of use at any time. Changes take effect by posting at this address or when users are notified of them. The terms of use apply until their termination with you or from the side of tzgs. Your termination, possible at any time, means the termination of use of this site and the cancellation/deletion of all materials and content "downloaded" and used from the same site.


Right of access to information

The right of access to information held, disposed of or supervised by the Slatina Tourist Board and the re-use of information is regulated by the Act on the Right of Access to Information OG 25/13, 85/15. Criteria for determining the amount of compensation of actual material costs and costs of providing information (OG 12/14); correction (OG 15/14).

The law also prescribes the principles of the right of access, exemptions from the right of access and the procedure for exercising and protecting the right of access to information. The aim of the law is to enable and provide information to natural and legal persons through openness and publicity of the activities of public authorities, in accordance with the law.

The right to information is exercised by submitting a written request to the Tourist Board of the City of Slatina through the Request for Access to Information form.

The request can be submitted:

  • in writing to the address: Slatina Tourist Board, Information Officer, Ante Kovačića 1, 33520 Slatina,
  • by e-mail to the address: hrvoje@tz-slatina.hr,
  • in person to the Slatina Tourist Board Office, weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00.

When submitting an Application, it is not necessary to pay an additional fee with the form.

You can download the forms here:

Decision on the appointment of an information officer