Milko Kelemen and international music festival


The connotation to good music and Slatina is always associated with the greatest Croatian composer of avant-garde music – Milko Kelemen. With his masterpieces and artistic contributions, he left an indelible mark on the world of music. His compositions explore new sound horizons, using innovative techniques and styles. Kelemen's music evokes different emotions and deeply affects listeners, from silence to dramatic passages. Since 1999, he has been an honorary citizen of the City of Slatina.

"Who am I? Of course I am a Croat from Slatina, a patriot, but not a nationalist. In addition, I am a German, a Frenchman, an American (great-great-grandson of Walt Whitman), a Chinese, a Black man, an Indian, a jaguar, a pike, a lizard, an ant, a stone, a sand...

Composer? Probably. But also the founder of the Music Biennale, pedagogue, conductor, researcher of electroacoustics, writer, adventurer, erotic, world traveler, photographer... ultimately a passionate seeker of the unattainable and unfathomable."

In his honor, since 1995, the International Music Festival "Days of Milka Kelemen" has been held in Slatina. The foundation of the festival is the performance of Kelemen's works, complemented and enriched with other arts: fine art, literature, film, stage and gastro. Prepare for the genius and innovation of Kelemen's compositions as renowned musicians and orchestras from around the world come together to bring his music to life. From symphonies to chamber music, each performance captures the depth, complexity and emotional resonance of Kelemen's artistic vision, creating a unique experience that resonates in the audience on an utter level.

Set in the picturesque backdrop of Slatina, the festival creates an atmosphere that nurtures artistic inspiration and respect. Impressive performances, combined with the city's rich cultural heritage, offer a truly valuable experience that transcends boundaries and awakens a passion for music in all visitors.

TZ Slatina • 08. December 2023.